Saturday, September 08, 2007

Thay receiving peace award

Thay receiving peace award
Originally uploaded by d nelson
Loyola Marymount University presents Thich Nhat Hanh the Doshi Family Bridgebuilder Peace Award. After receiving the award Thay offered a nice talk to the audience of over 1000 on creating inner peace through mindful thoughts, words and actions.

It was wonderful to see Thay again, along with so many Southern California dharma friends. I hope to see you all again soon.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

dancing that's all

dancing that's all
Originally uploaded by d nelson

Easy to dance in the pure land of high Rocky Mountains and clean, thin air. Nice to see so many friends from the fourfold sangha come together during a beautiful retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh. We enjoyed practicing together, a thousand or more of us. Eating, walking, sitting, singing and yes, dancing.

In gratitude I would like to thank friends on the path who have supported my practice in the past and present. Especially my dear friend Karen Hilsberg and dear brother Phap Tri. As I was honored to receive the 14 mindfulness trainings from Thay, given the Dharma name, Truly Holding Equanimity. May I have the strength and stability to offer loving kindness and compassion for all beings during the rest of this sweet, short life.

I believe my video, "Each of My Steps is a Prayer", about our pilgrimage across Vietnam with Thich Nhat Hanh will be available at the upcoming retreats in Deer Park thanks to Karen. I'm glad I had copies available for friends in Plum Village and Estes Park. I won't be able to attend in Deer Park. I believe that Parallax Press will make it available after the retreat, thanks to Travis.

Sending smiles from the pure land,

wherever I am,
