Saturday, September 08, 2007

Thay receiving peace award

Thay receiving peace award
Originally uploaded by d nelson
Loyola Marymount University presents Thich Nhat Hanh the Doshi Family Bridgebuilder Peace Award. After receiving the award Thay offered a nice talk to the audience of over 1000 on creating inner peace through mindful thoughts, words and actions.

It was wonderful to see Thay again, along with so many Southern California dharma friends. I hope to see you all again soon.


Daterra said...

Dear David,

Thank you for sharing your experience...

I´m Lécio, from Portugal, and i was in Plum Village during the last summer retreat!

I recived from you, in a very gentle action, the dvd "each of my steps is a prayer".

Do you remember?

I hope to be soon with you and all the sangha again.


I saw you recived the fourteen mindfull trainings...
what wonderful :)

Congratulations David.

And one more time, thank´s so much.

a smile from my heart


d nelson said...

you're very kind and welcome, also. we will meet again along the way.

may you be happy and well,